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HomeNewsSouth Grenville Food Bank opening new location in Maitland

South Grenville Food Bank opening new location in Maitland

The South Grenville Food Bank is poised to open its fourth location.

Executive Director Bonnie Pidgeon says she’s been looking for a few years to find the right partner to set up a food bank to serve residents in Augusta Township.

She says she’s now found one in the St.James Anglican Church in Maitland where, as of July 9, the food bank will be open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Pidgeon says opening the new location shows the need for support in the community is growing.

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“Unfortunately, right now, as we all know things seem to be going bad with our economy and people are in need, I’m hoping it’s just a small trend but we are seeing an increase every week.”

Pidgeon adds they are always looking for food and monetary donations to help support those less fortunate.

You can go to the food bank’s website to learn more.

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